Sanctions against North Korea, have been imposed by various countries and international bodies since 2006. The embargo is largely concerned with North Korea’s
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[youtube=] Documentary based on the book with the same name by Alvin Toffler, narrated by Orson Welles.
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Science Fiction (SF) literature, artwork and films are works of imagination, but often contain some elements of plausibility, with the story revolving around
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Ill. “Blackouts and Cascading Failures of the Global Markets”, Scientific American. The credit crunch is dragging down the global economy and raising political
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The wargaming scenarios—as well as some of the “real-world” scenarios—in Space Wars are amalgamations of outcomes and insights gained from actual wargames, such
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One of the key characteristics that distinguishes long-term defence planning from shorter-term planning is the degree to which uncertainty pervades the process. THE
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