The Plausible Futures Newsletter is a tool for scenario planning and strategic planning in general. The topics covered are meant to inspire and give planners and futurists a broad view of the future. Topics range from new technology, science and international relations.
Scenario planning rely on research and identification of driving forces, wilds cards and general systems theory. Based on such research and planning activities plausible scenarios can be produced. The result is increased understanding of the environment in which the organisation or company is engaged with. Based on these results the organisation are better equipped to adopt to changes, reduce potential threats and increase opportunities.
There are several consultancies that are specialized for scenario planning. The most aknowledged are Monitor Deloitte and the energy company Shell. Prominent thinkers in the field of scenario planning are Pierre Wack, Peter Schwartz, Stewart Brand and Kees van der Heijden among many others.
The Plausible Futures Newsletter will publish “Situation Reports” with a collection of recent news relevant for scenario planners and occasionaly “Special Reports” which will look more in-depth at relevant topics.